
  • 3 Faqs When It Comes To Getting A Mortgage Loan

    If you are buying your first home, you will more than likely need to get a loan in order to make the purchase. When buying property, the type of loan you'll get is called a mortgage. Basically, this means you'll be putting your home up for collateral in order to secure the funds. If you've never gotten a mortgage loan before, you may have some questions. Here are the answers to three frequently asked questions when it comes to getting a mortgage loan. [Read More]

  • A Few Things You May Want To Add To Your Homeowner's Insurance

    Whether you own your home outright or are still paying for it, you need to have homeowner's insurance to protect your investment. The monthly payments for insurance are a small price to pay when something happens to the buildings, yard, or your belongings that are covered. While going with a standard policy, you may want to go through it and see exactly what is covered. Consider your home and everything you own. [Read More]

  • 4 Times That a Home Equity Loan Can Save Your Finances & Your Sanity

    Tapping your home's value with a home equity loan can be an excellent way to make financial improvements in your life and invest where it can do the most good. How? Here are 4 times when a home equity loan can make a big difference in your life and assets. 1. Replacement for Student Loans. Student loans help you get more education that can mean higher income and more stability for years to come. [Read More]

  • The Benefits Of Video Banking Solutions

    Envision this: You walk into your bank, but instead of tellers, you see a row of machines that look just like ATM machines. Once you insert your card, a customer service representative pops up on your screen and is able to video chat with you, helping you with your banking needs and solutions. Video banking solutions are currently available at some financial institutions and are expected to roll out to more in the coming years, so this may soon be your reality the next time you set foot inside your bank. [Read More]

  • What Bail Options Are Available In States That Don'T Allow Private Bail Bonds?

    When a person is arrested for a crime, one of the easiest ways to get the individual out of jail is to use a bail bondsman. For a small fee (typically 10 percent of the ordered bail amount), the company will guarantee the bail and secure the person's release. Unfortunately, a small handful of states (e.g. Maine, Illinois) don't allow private bail companies to operate within their borders. If you (or someone you're helping) are being held in one of these states, here are your options for bailing out jail. [Read More]

  • 4 Tips for Successfully Collecting Rare Coins

    Collecting rare coins is a challenging and fun hobby enjoyed by many people. But becoming a proficient collector of rare coins takes work and research. Being prepared before diving in to the world of collecting rare coins can go a long way. If you're interested in beginning a rare coin collection, use the following tips: Collect the Types of Coins That You Are Most Interested In While collecting rare coins can turn out to be a good investment, it is in your best interest to collect rare coins that you are very interested in. [Read More]

  • Investing In Gold: What Should You Consider?

    If you are a collector of gold, investing it is the next logical step. When deciding on which type of gold investment to make, there is a variety of options to consider. Following are some different gold investment strategies to think about: Bullion Bars A bullion bar is pure gold in a standard weight. It follows the market value almost precisely without any change in value, despite how the current economy is behaving at the time. [Read More]

  • Company Credit Cards: 4 Money Problem Solutions That Digital Forensics Can Provide

    Providing company credit cards is a great way to help employees make and pay for purchases, but it's important to ensure that these accounts are secure. Employee purchases must be tracked, verified, and audited on a regular basis to ensure the cards are being used appropriately. When a problem does occur, it may take a lot more than just looking at account statements to get all of the details. If you've run into a problem with company credit cards, then a digital forensics company can help find a solution and resolve the issues. [Read More]

  • Three Reasons To Hire A Forensic Accountant

    When it comes to owning and operating your own small business, managing your finances can be critical to the success of your company moving forward in the future. You may have reservations when it comes to spending the money required to hire someone to manage your finances, but retaining the help of a skilled forensic accountant can be a worthwhile investment. Here are three reasons why you can't afford not to hire a forensic accountant to protect your small business. [Read More]

  • Best And Worst Ways To Use A Home Equity Line Of Credit

    A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a type of loan you can get on your house if you have equity in the home. If you currently have equity and are considering taking out a HELOC, it's important to understand the best and worst ways to use the money you get from it. It's also important to realize how a HELOC works. How a HELOC works A HELOC is very similar to a credit card in a sense, yet it is also similar to an installment loan. [Read More]