• Banking Industry Tips For Obtaining The Best Mortgage Rate When Refinancing

    If you obtained your home mortgage when your credit score was much lower, and the resulting interest rate was less than ideal, then now is a great time to refinance it and get a lower rate. In addition to lowering your interest rate, you may also be able to take out some of your built-up home equity to complete home improvement projects or pay off higher interest debts.  To obtain the lowest rate possible, follow these banking industry tips. [Read More]

  • 3 Faqs When It Comes To Getting A Mortgage Loan

    If you are buying your first home, you will more than likely need to get a loan in order to make the purchase. When buying property, the type of loan you'll get is called a mortgage. Basically, this means you'll be putting your home up for collateral in order to secure the funds. If you've never gotten a mortgage loan before, you may have some questions. Here are the answers to three frequently asked questions when it comes to getting a mortgage loan. [Read More]

  • A Few Things You May Want To Add To Your Homeowner's Insurance

    Whether you own your home outright or are still paying for it, you need to have homeowner's insurance to protect your investment. The monthly payments for insurance are a small price to pay when something happens to the buildings, yard, or your belongings that are covered. While going with a standard policy, you may want to go through it and see exactly what is covered. Consider your home and everything you own. [Read More]

  • 4 Times That a Home Equity Loan Can Save Your Finances & Your Sanity

    Tapping your home's value with a home equity loan can be an excellent way to make financial improvements in your life and invest where it can do the most good. How? Here are 4 times when a home equity loan can make a big difference in your life and assets. 1. Replacement for Student Loans. Student loans help you get more education that can mean higher income and more stability for years to come. [Read More]