Ralph Hopkins

  • A Guide To Getting Into Real Estate Property Investment Opportunities

    If investing is an avenue that you would like to explore, you can't go wrong checking into real estate. There are several different real estate investment solutions you can look into that will help you grow your money and secure some significant wealth. Before you take steps to get into real estate investing, you have to know the details of what you're trying to do, in addition to getting help from some quality professionals. [Read More]

  • 4 Things To Know About Reverse Mortgages

    If you own a home, one financial tool that you can use to fund your retirement is a reverse mortgage. This mortgage product is only for seniors, and requires that you have significant equity in your home that you can access. Here are some things to know about reverse mortgages so you can make an informed decision. You Can Only Mortgage Your Primary Residence If you have multiple homes, know that a reverse mortgage is not allowed on a summer home that you do not visit frequently. [Read More]

  • Advice When Buying Bitcoin From A Bitcoin Exchange ATM

    Bitcoin ATM machines exist today for those that want to either buy or sell bitcoin. If you're heading to one of these machines to specifically purchase bitcoin, you want to take these measures so that you have a stress-free shopping experience. Review Transaction Fees Ahead of Time Even though you're putting in money into a bitcoin exchange ATM to purchase bitcoin, you'll still have to pay a transaction fee. These are pretty standard today, but they will vary depending on the bitcoin ATM machine that you use. [Read More]

  • Tips To Help You Benefit From A DST 1031 Service For Your Rental Property Sale

    Real estate along with your ability to invest into the rental market is a great vehicle in which you can watch your investments grow, sell them, and have the ability to diversify them into multiple other investments. Over time, this provides you with the means to benefit from tax deductions on your rental income and capital gains and with a 1031 Exchange Delaware Statutory Trust service to grow your investing capacity even more. [Read More]

  • When Paying Taxes Will Bankrupt You: How To Avoid Business Taxes

    It should be understood that, as a citizen of this country, you should always pay your taxes. However, if paying your taxes on your business is likely to bankrupt you next year, there are a few things you can do to either lessen your tax burden or skip paying taxes on the business. Here are your solutions.  Donate Thousands of Dollars to Charity Not every business is lucrative enough or profitable enough to donate tens of thousands of dollars. [Read More]

  • Tips for Buying Tax Free Municipal Bonds

    Investments are tools that you need to get to know if you are trying to grow your wealth. There are several investment solutions that you can buy into, but sticking with the tried and true can be incredibly helpful. In this regard, you can't go wrong buying municipal bonds. There are plenty of brokers that can set you up with tax-free bonds whenever you are looking for them. Consider the points below and reach out to a professional that can sell you these bonds. [Read More]

  • Debt Settlement: Three Ways This Can Go

    Debt is never something you want to be tied down to. It hangs around your neck like an anchor, pulling you down into the depths of despair. Try as hard as you might, you may not be able to get out of debt and resolve your debt issues the way you want. This is because the interest on most debts is multiplying faster than you can repay what you owe. There are three ways you can resolve your crushing debt issues. [Read More]

  • Three Kinds Of Loan Centers Where You Can Get Cash NOW

    It used to be that you could not get any sort of loan for anything unless you had good credit and you applied for a bank loan. Now you can get small loans several different ways. If you want to get a loan from a physical loan center (i.e, a brick and mortar place you physically go to to get the cash), then here are three kinds of loan centers for you. [Read More]

  • When Do You Need A CPA To Do Your Taxes?

    If you've waited until the last minute—yet again—to complete your income tax return, you're not alone. But unfortunately, finding a tax professional to assist you at this late stage can sometimes be a challenge. Despite this, there are a few situations in which obtaining an extension and seeking out the services of a certified public accountant (CPA) is far preferable to going the do-it-yourself route. Read on for three situations in which it can make sense to enlist a CPA's tax prep help. [Read More]

  • What To Look For When Choosing An Accounts Receivable Management Company To Service Your Business

    Are you on the hunt to hire an accounts receivable management company to service your business? Here are a few things to look for when deciding which service provider to ultimately work with: Straightforward Policies and Procedures One important feature to look for when choosing an accounts receivable management company to hire to service your own business is straightforward policy and procedure guidelines. Without them, you won't know what to expect if a customer's payment is late or missed altogether, and you won't know when or how you can step in to make changes to your own policies and procedures while ensuring that they still comply with those of your accounts receivable team. [Read More]